White Paper:
How Data Centers Could Save 300 Billion Liters of Water Per Year

As drought and climate change accelerate, data center operators are vowing to reduce water consumption. But you can’t meet ambitious water reduction goals without taking a serious look at your cooling systems. 

Traditional data center cooling methods such as air cooling consume water at unsustainable levels. The future requires a new approach that consumes much less water and energy.

Enter 2-phase immersion cooling (2-PIC).

2-PIC provides the cooling capacity necessary to enable today’s most demanding high performance computing while drastically reducing power consumption and water usage. This comprehensive whitepaper from LiquidStack explores:

  • Why traditional data center cooling methods waste too much water and energy
  • How data center cooling systems affect Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE)
  • How 2-PIC operates using zero water 
  • How 2-PIC adoption in the US could save 300 billion liters of water per year – 50% of data center water use 

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