Ultra-high Density Crypto Mining in the World’s Most Intense Environments

LiquidStack’s liquid cooling solutions provide up to 312kW of compute density inside a single tank and consume zero water.

Ultra High Performance with the Lowest Carbon Footprint

Crypto Mining hardware uses high power ASICs and GPUs that exceed the practical limits of air cooling, especially in harsh environments.

Today, several of the world’s largest Crypto Mining data centers use LiquidStack liquid cooling to unlock unparalleled performance and profitability while achieving sustainability leadership.

33% Lower Total Cost of Ownership

The highest compute density with the lowest operating expenses

  • Up to 312kW compute density per tank
  • 32% lower CAPEX
  • 40% reduction in cooling power consumption
  • 1.02 to 1.03 (typical) PUE
  • Zero water consumption
  • Up to 84% compaction of mining hardware
  • 69% reduction in white space
  • 100% constant ASIC/GPU temperature
  • 30% improvement in hardware reliability
  • Impervious to airborne particulates or contaminants
  • Safe and simple to operate
  • Zero noise
  • 10+ years of real world application at scale

The Performance Benefits are Real

Ultra Compact, Scalable and Versatile

Deploy anywhere, worry-free

  • Adaptable to virtually any mining hardware
  • Designed for cost-effective and continuous 24/7 peak operation
  • Uses the most environmentally sustainable technology in the world
  • Suitable for hot and humid climates
  • Scalable for mass and containerized deployment

Use cases:

  • Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Crypto Mining
  • Brick and mortar Blockchain
  • Containerized and modular data centers

Liquid Cooling Conversion for Mining Equipment

Engineering Design Concept Service for Conversion of Air‑cooled Equipment

Get in Touch for a Consultation

Ready to connect with us and discuss the immersion cooling system that will work best for you?

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